January 02, 2005
For friends asking for details: For friends asking for details: the birth was relatively easy, or at least better than we expected or heard other people talk about. We got into hospital at 5am, and by 7 Simona got the epidural - and it made all the difference. Between 7 and 2pm - she alternated between sleep and browsing the web looking for the latest on tsunami or googling about all the numbers we saw on display. It seems taking the laptop with me was not a bad idea after all ( I should have taken 2 ). While wireless access was great ( and reasonably priced $3 for 24 hours, who said hospitals are expensive ? ),  GSM coverage was completely missing. I heard there is a window where you can catch some waves, but couldn't find it. So communication happened via email and calling cards. Next time - we should have a VoIP account ready.

From 2pm to 4.14 - it was a bit harder - no pain, but a lot of frustration ( and hard to watch too ... ).

It seems 6 or 7 babies were born in a very short interval - so the nursery was crowded and noisy. Luca did have the 10 fingers and everything else in place - so we moved to our room, where Simona was waiting.

He eventually managed to feed himself a bit - he seemed to be the only one to know how things work.  
For strange reasons, he seems to like me ( or at least the tone of my voice ) - so now my full time job is to make him fall asleep. It's good it takes only one hand, with the other I can browse or type messages like this. Posted by costin at January 02, 2005 10:39 AM
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