June 17, 2007

Second autocross


Yesterday was another miserably cold day at Marina. While in Bay Area temperatures finally dropped from the high 90s into low 70s, Marina saw a lot of fog, wind and cold weather. The autocross at Marina was nevertheless very rewarding, this time with a very interesting and challenging course. I ended up 5th in my car's class. While the result was pretty good, I could have done a lot better.

The most challenging part is recognizing the mistakes you make and try to avoid them in a consistent manner. This is easier said than done, as the course's features come at you very fast, and a mistake in a turn happens usually because of another one few turns before. So concentration is key, as well as a good understanding of what your car can do. I still have a lot to learn, but it's fun.

Posted by ovidiu at June 17, 2007 06:44 PM |
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