June 2004 Archives
June 14, 2004

Richard Stallman at Google

Emacs | Google | People
Saint IGNUcius of the Church of Emacs

Last week Richard Stallman, the father of Free Software, visited Google. He gave an introduction to free software and what it means. He emphasized on the differences between free software and open source, and why Linux is really GNU/Linux.

Having followed his arguments for few years now, they sort of make sense. I can see however why people have so many problems with his personality and ideology. He tends to quickly dismiss most of the questions with a "it makes no sense" type of answer.

As a hacker however, all the respects to him, he has managed to get us a long way from where software was in 1984 to where it is now. Emacs, GCC, GDB, most of the standard Unix tools that run on Linux today are directly due to him.

Posted by ovidiu at 09:46 PM | Comments (2) |
June 07, 2004

Palm d'Or at Cannes for short films


This is really cool, Catalin Mitulescu, a friend of mine, won this year's Palm d'Or at Cannes for short films! Check it out here:


Congratulations Catalin!

Posted by ovidiu at 10:11 AM |
June 03, 2004

Content ads in RSS feeds


I was reading Russell Beattie's weblog this evening in my NetNewsWire RSS aggregator. What I noticed at the bottom of the article inside the RSS aggregator was a little changing image: an advertising campaign for John Kerry.

This has nothing to do with the above advertisement, but I was wondering how long will it be until we see people embedding Google content ads into their RSS feeds. Highly targetted ads to the contents of the article, of course.

Hm, just a thought...

Posted by ovidiu at 12:31 AM |
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